
A Leg-Up for 501c Startups™” is one of our charities that is a key program and a sibling charity. Its an empowerment program for small tech charities with small staff who are heavy users of temps or other contingent staff with a dual function of Mentoring our Internship Programs.

Relaunching A Leg-Up for 501c Startups™ is why the API’s relaunch is happening sooner than expected. Exempt tech firms that outsource abroad for Talent NOT in the US are not eligible for the API Program. The point is to help struggling Charities with staff in the US and support them with Students in the US wanting to learn from and work with them.

The websites for both A Leg-Up for 501c Startup™ & API™ current URLs are in the process of moving s please excuse downtime or site unavailability, it will be as brief as is possible. New URLs will be published soon as post migration testing has completed.

Other program disciplines will be announce as affirmed.

A Bit of History

Now known as SaaS, the 501c Business Incubator Councils™ first charity, ED-Lab Online (2002-2007) was a charitable & business anomaly at the time thought to be stupid, making no sense because it was so FAR AHEAD of its time.

Established for the Founders Peer Online Students & Instructors (OSI) who literally had nowhere to go to access technology, ED-Lab™ originally ran as student favor-turned-telnet pilot project (TPP) from 1998-2001.

On its 501c approval by the IRS, its became part of ED-Lab™ training & software product development venue, “The Learners Lab” so it could keep access to ED-Lab™ free for its OSI User Community.

ED-Lab Online™ was approved by the IRS as an Application Service Provider (ASP) providing software over the internet. Its user Community was online students & instructors and we selected HBCUs, MSI, VocEd or Community College because our research of the day found these institutions were least likely to have the capacity to provide online computing access.

As it turned out we were more than correct, Online Students and their Online Instructor at the time had no direct access to any kind or level software or technology available to assist them. This occurred even at some of the better financed institutions and many of them required ID for campus access to computer labs though online students didn’t always have an ID or the location was not feasible to visit or available for their use. even with these obstacles as a given it struggled and its Founder managed out of pocket for 4 of its 5-year exempt pre-approval which is what the IRS did at the time before making 501c status permanent.

ED-Labs™ status as a public charity is being restored, it will resume its intended roles as the Tech Hub Lab environment for our API Students & A Leg-Up for 501c Startups Awardees.

We are very excited to bring it back and anticipate ED-Lab Online™ to go live sometime in early 2025, which itself will be a Site Construction & Logo Refresh Project for one of our Awardees!

Stay Tuned!